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Cuts to NSW government anti-tobacco advertising are short-sighted and will undermine attempts to stop people smoking, the state opposition and Greens say. Many folks have the mistaken idea that Spam was invented for the GI’s of World War II. It actually predates the war, and was first introduced to the public in 193 Categories of Mental Disorders: Mental retardation - subnormal intellectual functioning that originates during the period in which the individual is. Miriam Colwell was born in Prospect Harbor in 1917 and still lives in the house built by her great-great-grandfather in 181 She is the author of Wind Off the Water (1945), Day of the Trumpet (1947), and Young (1955). As a small town resident and long-time postmistress, she has watched change upon change wash over the fabled coast for nearly nine decades. She explores those themes in her fourth novel, Contentment Cove (Islandport Press, 2008), which is set in a Down East coastal village in the 1950s, when social clashes and changing values were starting to tear at the fabric of Maine’s traditional way of life.- border latisse allergen
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